Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Informatik im Bauwesen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus König
Mechanized tunneling using Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) is a complex process involving various elements like the ground-shield machine-construction-environment etc. Interaction between these elements depends on various parameters like the interaction scale, time, space etc. The complexity of interaction necessitates a formal description of the possible interactions between the various interacting elements. To realize the interaction, common elements of interaction have to be defined and a holistic interaction platform has to be developed.
Interaction modeling in Mechanized tunneling involves the development of the Interaction Platform (INTAKT-MT) and Object oriented Product Models (OOPM). The INTAKT-MT describes the semantics of the Object oriented Product Models and the rules that specify the interaction between these models. Tunnel Model, TBM Model and the Ground Data Model are the OOPM’s that are currently being developed.
Systems Modeling language (SysML) is being employed to describe these models as a System and define the semantic details of interaction. SysML structural diagrams are used to describe the structural details of the interacting elements, whereas the behavioral diagrams show the interaction at multiple levels of abstraction. At present, an exemplary interaction case is being sketched using SysML.
Further information can be found at